Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rigorous Honesty

The February 15th selection from For Today is awesome, talking about the various kinds of honesty, with truth as an eternal unchangeable. I have had enough of cash-register honesty, tell-you-for-your-own-good honesty, and one-sided honesty. I want the self-honesty. And I know I can only reach that by working this program.

I meant to put one of my poems here yesterday, but I didn't. I'll share it now:

Incredulous Love


love you.
You know I didn't always – 
hated, loathed, despised – 
never ever expected love
to enter in.
I can't dispute
you deserve the wrath.
I let you sabotage my life 
to shambles yet clung
to you as my only hope –
such a dope I was – and you.
Your ugly face remains the same
but changed expansively
to something fair,
near radiant at times.
We've blossomed, you and I,
my mirror image.
I stand before you, humble,
calm, amazed to love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a picture of change, Stepper! this one is awesome! bh