Sunday, May 25, 2008

Service or Obedience?

Consider the first eight verses of Matthew 6.

My kids just left--at least one set of them, a son and daughter-in-law. It's been a good weekend, but with somebody around when Hubby directs me to do this or that, I find it necessary to gripe and mutter about it. Why? So I don't look weak? Does playing the martyr make me look strong? I think not.

I really don't have the feelings of resentment anymore when it's just me and him. It's not that I don't do the same things, but I do them in the attitude of service, not obedience. What a difference!

It's like Jesus said, you can get the reward of doing right--praying, fasting, giving--from God who sees it in secret and rewards it, or you can do it in the open and get what you're trying to get--like sympathy, scorn heaped on another, others' belief you're long-suffering and saintly--or you can get God's blessings. I choose God's blessings.

God, help me to stay aligned with you, no matter who else sees or doesn't.

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