Monday, July 7, 2008

Quieting the Storm

Consider Matthew 8:23-27.

A woman I sponsor mentioned she anticipates storms in her area of the country today. That set me to thinking. Storms in large part are a matter of attitude--no matter which kind of storms we're talking about. When I went to graduate school in Nashville after growing up in the area and time about which Elmer Kelton wrote his classic The Time It Never Rained I was delighted that it sprinkled or rained almost daily in that part of Tennessee. I have a friend who dearly loves to sit out and watch the violent rainstorms we do occasionally have, though she was in a house a tornado skipped over when she was about five. I do love a good storm, though I don't like having a dog too big to easily get under (and our from!) the bed who cowers under it when thunder abounds.

But the storms we have to deal with in OA are those internal storms, and they're all a matter of mind over matter as well--or actually of getting your own mind out of it and turning it over to your higher power who quiets the storms within. Somebody I'm around often has a habit of saying to me, "God damn you!" Yesterday, my response was inspired. In a much calmer voice than the comment made, I answered, "God bless you!" You know, it had a much more quieting effect than those times when I've answered fire with fire. I've never invited damnation on anybody, but when that same person called me a b___ earlier in the long weekend, I called him a different "b" word impugning his mother. That one spattered out rather quickly, too, but not with the same quieting the storm effect.

Jesus' disciples were amazed. ""What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"

Miracles happen with the 12 steps, too:
If you persist, remarkable things will happen. When we look back, we realize
that the things which came to us when we put ourselves in God's hands were
better than anything we could have planned. Follow the dictates of a Higher
Power and you will presently live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what
your present circumstances! (AA Big Book, page 100)

God bless you! May your storms be delightful rain or lovely shows of power, but may your serenity prevail no matter what your present circumstances!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you! wonderful post. attitude is major. here's a story i heard on the radio recently: woman woke up to find only three hairs on her head. she said, 'i think i'll wear my hair in a braid today.' she did and had a great day. next day she found only two hairs on her head. she said, 'i think i'll part my hair in the middle today.' she did and had a great day. next day she found only one hair. she said, 'i think i'll wear a ponytail today.' she did and had a great day. next day she woke to NO hair on her head. she said, 'great! i don't have to decide how to wear my hair today!' attitude makes a big difference.
