Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A recovery speaker I was listening to last night indicated all fear is based on self-sufficiency, on trying to be in charge of how things turn out, of having an idea we can control events and matters simply by doing "it" right. That resonates with truth for me. Especially this morning.
I'm red politically in a red state and in a position where active participation in political matters is prohibited. And this election grabbed my passion like only one previous has. And the previous one was local, long ago, and very personal. Two people I respect, love, admire, and know to be intelligent and thoughtful contributed to the blue vote count. Somehow that softens the blow. And I did feel it as a physical blow. But life goes on. And my program is solid today.
I'm reminded of the story in 2 Samuel 12. There is no need to mourn what could have been. My fear yesterday and in the preceding days was a failure to trust God, a failure to believe He's in charge. Freedom will survive. Life goes on. 
I had the flag out yesterday. I didn't put it back out this morning. I wish I had. Instead, I'll pray my newest favorite prayer, "God, I trust you." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"God, I trust You." that's a great prayer and one i pray often regarding my children. :) i understand how you feel, though. back in the days when i was still a Republican, i actually wore a black arm band to work the day after Clinton's election! :) and here we are, 16 years later, with the democracy ginning along and working pretty well it looks like. although, neither eight years of Democrat rule nor eight years of Republican rule have ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven. must be that it will come by a different means. bh