Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Next Day

So. I've read what I wrote last night. And I've remembered the night. But I remember no startling revelation.

Okay, sitting here, what comes to mind is the idea of "Don't look at me." The last month has been an embarrassment because I was making a major change in my life and I've been praised by people I barely know, gifted by people I'd rather not be indebted to, in the limelight way too many times. I don't like the limelight. That's funny. I certainly enjoy public speaking. I have been a public figure for years, intend to be for many more - and perhaps in an even more ostentatious format. But when I speak, when I appear in a public setting, I'm in charge, in control. If I were small? If people whistled at me? How ridiculous. I'll soon be 64 - not exactly whistle bait no matter what I might weigh, ten pounds less than my goal weight or even more! (Or does that count as less??) I couldn't possibly be hiding from such, could I?

This has been open several hours. My answer is, "I don't know." But I know I can't do it. I know God can. And I know I intend to let him.

God bless us every one.


Anonymous said...

interesting questions. almost my sole TV intake is the TLC show 'what not to wear.' are you familiar with it? it's pretty vapid at first blush, but they do amazing transformations in a week's time. no surgery, just well-fitting, flattering clothes, hair and makeup. and it almost always happens that the subjects have a mental/emotional change as well. many of them see theselves as attractive for the first time in their lives and the change in their confidence is startling, and believable. the main point i want to get to is that the reverse is also true -- confidence and positive mental attitude are very attractive! let yourself believe that you are attractive -- because it's true! -- bh

memoirs of this binge eating triathlete said...

Yup, your right, He can. & He'd love to help you. Isn't He great?