Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Futility Thinking

My assignment for today -- and it's a big enough one it won't happen today, but starting today -- is to work on my futility thinking. This is adding a "but" to every "yes." I'm going to work on getting my rational/analytical/skeptical self out of the way and letting God really lead me where I want him to lead me, which is where he wants me to go. That's convoluted. I'm saying I want to hitch a ride with him, not put on the brakes.

My food is in good shape. I ate some cottage cheese, and 1/3 of a cup, last night, that wasn't planned but was a better choice than most I could have made. Otherwise I followed the food plan. And My food buddy is due back from her trip, so I'll send there the nitty-gritty details and quit boring you with those. But I'll confess here to indiscretions, and if I open a game, I will immediately come here and tell you. And I'll try to identify the yes-but pattern and let you know how I'm doing on that as well. Thanks.

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