Thursday, September 6, 2007

Linguistic Maneuvers, Thought Modification.

Well, the day is still Day 6 of abstinence from the computer games, but they're no longer Stupid Computer Games. My counselor says to drop the stupid, to acknowledge the valuable role they played in numbing my mind when I wasn't able to cope with pain and fear. I've played them for a long, long time. I've called them that, SCG, for about as long. Anybody remember the old TI99/4A computer from TI? I got pretty darned good at the original Mario Brothers game on that. Besides that, I first tried to teach myself to program on that machine. Yep, I've played computer games for a long time. The hole is massive, but other things are moving into the void, making it more comfortable. Now, though, I've got to amend the vocabulary. Humph. Growing up when you're 60 is tough!

How can I be of service?

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