Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thanks Where Thanks are Due...

At my meeting today, somebody made an interesting comment. It wasn't original, but hey, it's the first time I'd heard it. You hear often, "Thank GOD for OA!" Yet, we could say with the same degree of earnestness, "Thank OA for God!"

Blasphemous? No. Really it's not. It's like thanking the person who introduced you to your spouse for the introduction. Not that I needed an introduction to God, exactly, but like an artist paints a picture so realistic it shows what you never saw on the original you knew well. Or... or what? It's where the knowledge is. My head is, was, and will continue to be full of the knowledge of God, of the scriptures, of history, theology, etc. The difference is movement from an acquaintance to a friendship. That's it. I thank OA for allowing me to discover God as my friend, mentor, caretaker, and constant presence. Thanks, OA!

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